> ASP+ACCESS在线手机销售系统(论文+源代码+答辩PPT) > ASP+ACCESS在线手机销售系统(论文+源代码+答辩PPT)\9)ASP 在线手机销售系统\HandsetPro\handset\include\ShowSpecialProduct.asp

' ================================================= 
'作  用:显示热门产品
'参  数:
'strFilter: 选择条件,有以下可选项:
'		"Hot": 购买次数最高的产品
'		"Recommended": 推荐度
'		"Cheap": 最优惠产品	
'		其他默认为"Hot"
' ================================================= 
Sub ShowSpecialProduct(strFilter, nCount)
	dim strSpecialText
	if strFilter  =  "Hot" then
		strSpecialText  =  "热门产品"
	elseif strFilter  =  "Recommended" then
		strSpecialText  =  "推荐产品"
	elseif strFilter  =  "Cheap" then
		strSpecialText  =  "最优惠产品"
		strFilter  =  "Hot"
		strSpecialText  =  "热门产品"
	end if
	<TABLE cellSpacing = "0" cellPadding = "0" width = "100%" border = "0" ID = "Table1">
				<TD height = "20" background = "images/titlebg.gif" align = center><strong><%=strSpecialText%></strong>
				<TD height = "5"></TD>
				<TD vAlign = "top">
					<table width = "95%" border = "0" align = "center" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" ID = "Table2">
								<% call ShowSpecialProductList(strFilter, nCount) %>
				<TD height = "5"></TD>
end sub

' ================================================= 
'作  用:显示热门产品列表数据(无修饰)
'参  数:
'strFilter: 选择条件,有以下可选项:
'		"Hot": 购买次数最高的产品
'		"Recommended": 推荐度
'		"Cheap": 最优惠产品	
'		其他默认为"Hot"
' ================================================= 
Sub ShowSpecialProductList(strFilter, nCount)
	dim strSQL, rsObj, productName, i
	nCount = CInt(nCount)
	if nCount > 20 then nCount = 20
	if nCount < 1 then nCount = 1
	Response.Write "<table width = '100%' border = '0' cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '0' ID = 'Table3'>"
	if strFilter  =  "Hot" then
		strSQL = "SELECT TOP " & nCount & " ID, [Name] FROM product "
		strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY buyNum desc,id desc"
	elseif strFilter  =  "Recommended" then
		strSQL = "SELECT TOP " & nCount & " ID, [Name] FROM product "
		strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY recommend desc, recommenddate desc, id desc"	
	elseif strFilter  =  "Cheap" then
		strSQL = "SELECT TOP " & nCount & " ID, [Name], memberPrice/marketPrice AS Discount "
		strSQL = strSQL & " FROM Product WHERE marketPrice <> 0 "
		strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY memberPrice/marketPrice, id desc"	
		strSQL = "SELECT TOP " & nCount & " ID, [Name] FROM Product "
		strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY buyNum desc,id desc"
	end if
	set rsObj = conn.Execute (strSQL)
	if rsObj.EOF And rsObj.BOF then
		Response.Write "目前没有此类数据……"
	end if
	i = 1
	do while not (rsObj.eof or err)
		Response.Write "<tr><td height  =  23>"
		Response.Write "<img src = images/cha1.gif>"
		if strFilter  =  "Cheap" then
			productName = i & "." & rsObj("name") & "(<font color = red>" & FormatNumber(rsObj("Discount")*10,1) & "</font>折)"
			productName = rsObj("name")
			if len(productName) > 14 then
				productName  =  left(productName,9)&"..."
			end if
		end if
		Response.Write "<a href = ProductDetail.asp?id=" & rsObj("ID") & ">  " & productName & "</a>"
		Response.Write "</td></tr>"
		i = i+1
		if i>100 then exit do
	Set rsObj = Nothing
	Response.Write "</table>"
end sub
' ================================================= 
'作  用:显示最新推荐手机
'参  数:无
' ================================================= 
Sub ShowTheBest()
	dim strSQL, rsObj
	dim strTemp, strSrc, strIntro
	strSQL = "SELECT top 1 * FROM product "
	strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE Recommend > 0 "
	strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER by RecommendDate DESC, buyNum DESC, ID DESC"
	set rsObj = conn.execute (strSQL)
	if rsObj.EOF and rsObj.BOF then
		Response.Write "<br><br>出错啦!可能是没有检索到数据或者检索过程出错。<br><br>"
		Set rsObj = Nothing
		Exit Sub
	end if	
	if rsObj("bigImg") = "nothing" then
		strSrc  =  "images/noBigImg.gif"
		strSrc  =  "bigImg/"&rsObj("bigImg")
    end if

	strIntro = Convert(rsObj("introduce"))
	if lenB(strIntro)>300 then
		strIntro = leftB(strIntro,300)
	end if
	<table width = "100%" border = "0" bordercolordark = #ffffff bordercolorlight = #FFCF00 cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" align = "center" ID = "Table20">
		<TD class  = "tabTitle" height = "22"  bgColor=<%=conTitleColor%> colspan = 2><b>推荐手机</b></TD>
	<tr><td height = 10 colspan = 2></td></tr>
        <td width = "160" align = center> <a href = ProductDetail.asp?id=<%=rsObj("id")%>>
          <img src = "<%=strSrc%>"  height=<%=conBigImageHeight%> border = 0></a><br>
          <a href = "ProductDetail.asp?id=<%=rsObj("id")%>" title = "点击查看具体信息"><b><%=rsObj("Name")%></b></a><br>
          <td ><b>[手机介绍] </b><br>
           <strike>市场价:<%=rsObj("marketPrice")%> 元 </strike> &nbsp;&nbsp;   商城价:<%=rsObj("memberPrice")%>元<br>
           立即节省:<font color = RED><%=rsObj("marketPrice")-rsObj("memberPrice")%></font>元 
           &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  <a href = "shopCart.asp?productID=<%=rsObj("id")%>">
           <img src = "images/cart.gif" width = "22" height = "22" border = "0" align = "absmiddle">&nbsp;放入购物车</a> 
	<tr><td height = 10 colspan = 2></td></tr>
	set rsObj  =  Nothing
end sub